Golfing Clojure

Golfing Clojure

Check checker in <280 characters of Clojure

Daniel Janus • ClojureDays • 2022-10-29

The Problem

You have to write a function is-check that takes for input a 8x8 chessboard in the form of a bi-dimensional array of strings and returns true if the black king is in check or false if it is not.

The array will include 64 squares which can contain the following characters: '♔', '♛', '♝', '♞', '♜', '♟', ' ' (a space).

There will always be exactly one king, which is the white king, whereas all the other pieces are black.

The board is oriented from White’s perspective.

                        (deftest check-by-pawn
  (is (true? (is-check
[[" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" ""♟"" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" ""♔"" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]
 [" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "]]

The Caveats

The Meta-Algorithm

(def limit 279)

(defn too-long? [solution]
  (> (count solution) limit))

(defn solve-golfed [problem]
  (let [simple-solution (solve-simply problem)]
    (->> (iterate chop-characters simple-solution)
         (drop-while too-long?)

The Simple Solution: Sketch

(defn is-check [board]
  (->> (fields board)
       (filter has-black-piece?)
       (filter checks-white-king?)

Better Board Representation

(defn board->map [board]
  (->> board
           (fn [x y] [[x %] y])
       (apply concat)
       (into {})))

(defn is-check [board]
  (->> board
       (filter checks-white-king?)

{[2 4] "♔",
 [3 5] "♟",
 [0 0] " ",
 ;; ...

Detecting Checks: Casts

(defn coord+ [[x y] [dx dy]]
  [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)])

(defn cast [board field delta]
  (->> field
       (iterate #(coord+ delta %))
       (map board)
       (remove #{" "})

(defn rook-checks? [board field]
  (-> (map (partial cast board field)
           [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]])
      (contains? "♔")))

(cast b
      [5 5]
      [-1 0])
;=> "♔"

Detecting Checks: Drops

(defn drop-checks? [coords board field]
  (-> (map #(board (coord+ field %))
      (contains? "♔")))

(def knight-checks?
  (partial drop-checks?
           [[1 2]   [2 1]
            [1 -2]  [2 -1]
            [-1 -2] [-2 -1]
            [-1 2]  [-2 1]]))

(def pawn-checks?
  (partial drop-checks?
           [[1 1] [-1 1]]))

Putting it all together

(def piece->checks
  {"♝" bishop-checks?
   "♜" rook-checks?
   "♛" queen-checks?
   "♞" knight-checks?
   "♟" pawn-checks?})

(defn checks-white-king?
  [board [field piece]]
  (let [checks? (piece->checks piece (constantly false))]
    (checks? board field)))

Strip whitespace with rewrite-clj

(ns a)(defn board->map[board](->> board(map-indexed #(map-indexed(fn[x y][[x %]y])%2))(apply concat)(into{})))(defn coord+[[x y][dx dy]][(+ x dx)(+ y dy)])(defn cast[board field delta](->> field(iterate #(coord+ delta %))next(map board)(remove #{" "})first))(defn rook-checks?[board field](->(map(partial cast board field)[[0 1][0 -1][1 0][-1 0]])set(contains?"♔")))(defn bishop-checks?[board field](->(map(partial cast board field)[[1 1][1 -1][-1 -1][-1 1]])set(contains?"♔")))(defn queen-checks?[board field](->(map(partial cast board field)[[1 1][1 -1][-1 -1][-1 1][1 0][0 1][-1 0][0 -1]])set(contains?"♔")))(defn drop-checks?[coords board field](->(map #(board(coord+ field %))coords)set(contains?"♔")))(def knight-checks?(partial drop-checks?[[1 2][2 1][1 -2][2 -1][-1 -2][-2 -1][-1 2][-2 1]]))(def pawn-checks?(partial drop-checks?[[1 1][-1 1]]))(def piece->checks{"♝"bishop-checks?"♜"rook-checks?"♛"queen-checks?"♞"knight-checks?"♟"pawn-checks?})(defn checks-white-king?[board[field piece]](let[checks?(piece->checks piece(constantly false))](checks? board field)))(defn is-check[board](let[board(board->map board)](->> board(filter(partial checks-white-king? board))first boolean)))

Higher-order functions FTW

(defn attack-checks? [move-fn]
  (fn [deltas]
    (fn [board field] 
      ((set (map #(move-fn board field %) deltas)) "♔"))))

(def cast-checks? 
  (attack-checks? cast))

(def drop-checks? 
  (attack-checks? (fn [board field delta]
                    (board (coord+ field delta)))))

Shorter check checking

(def rook-checks?
  (cast-checks? [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]]))

(def bishop-checks?
  (cast-checks? [[1 1] [1 -1] [-1 -1] [-1 1]]))

(def piece->checks
  {"♝" bishop-checks?
   "♜" rook-checks?
   "♛" (some-fn bishop-checks? rook-checks?)
   "♞" (drop-checks?
        [[1 2]  [2 1] [1 -2] [2 -1]
         [-1 -2] [-2 -1] [-1 2] [-2 1]])
   "♟" (drop-checks? [[1 1] [-1 1]])})

All in one

(defn is-check [board]
  (let [board (into {} (apply concat (map-indexed #(map-indexed (fn [x y] [[x %] y]) %2) board)))
        coord+ #(map + %1 %2)
        cast (fn [x y] (first (remove #{" "} (map board (next (iterate #(coord+ x %) y))))))
        attack-checks? (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) "♔"))))
        cast-checks? (attack-checks? cast)
        drop-checks? (attack-checks? (comp board coord+))
        rook-checks? (cast-checks? [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]])
        bishop-checks? (cast-checks? [[1 1] [1 -1] [-1 -1] [-1 1]])
        check-fns {"♝" bishop-checks?
                   "♜" rook-checks?
                   "♛" (some-fn bishop-checks? rook-checks?)
                   "♞" (drop-checks? [[1 2] [2 1] [1 -2] [2 -1] [-1 -2] [-2 -1] [-1 2] [-2 1]])
                   "♟" (drop-checks? [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (boolean (some boolean (for [[a f] board] ((check-fns f not) a))))))

Shorter identifiers

(defn is-check [b]
  (let [b (into {} (apply concat (map-indexed #(map-indexed 
                (fn [x y] [[x %] y]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + %1 %2)
        c (fn [x y] (first (remove #{" "} (map b (next (iterate #(p x %) y))))))
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) "♔"))))
        x (a c)
        d (a (comp b p))
        R (x [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]])
        B (x [[1 1] [1 -1] [-1 -1] [-1 1]])
        m {"♝" B
           "♜" R
           "♛" (some-fn B R)
           "♞" (d [[1 2] [2 1] [1 -2] [2 -1] [-1 -2] [-2 -1] [-1 2] [-2 1]])
           "♟" (d [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (boolean (some boolean (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))


(defn is-check [b]
  (let [M map-indexed Z boolean
        b (into {} (apply concat (M #(M (fn [x y] [[x %] y]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + %1 %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) "♔"))))
        x (a (fn [x y] (first (remove #{" "} (map b (next 
	        (iterate #(p x %) y)))))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        R (x [[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]])
        B (x [[1 1] [1 -1] [-1 -1] [-1 1]])
        m {"♝" B
           "♜" R
           "♛" (some-fn B R)
           "♞" (d [[1 2] [2 1] [1 -2] [2 -1] 
                   [-1 -2] [-2 -1] [-1 2] [-2 1]])
           "♟" (d [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (Z (some Z (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))

Rotating deltas

(defn is-check [b]
  (let [M map-indexed Z boolean I iterate
        b (into {} (apply concat (M #(M (fn [x y] [[x %] y]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + %1 %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) "♔"))))
        x (a (fn [x y] (first (remove #{" "} (map b (next 
            (I #(p x %) y)))))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        r #(take 4 (I (fn [[x y]] [(- y) x]) %&))
        R (x (r 0 1))
        B (x (r 1 1))
        m {"♝" B "♜" R "♛" (some-fn B R)
           "♞" (d (into (r 1 2) (r 2 1)))
           "♟" (d [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (Z (some Z (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))


(defn is-check [b]
  (let [M map-indexed Z boolean I iterate
        b (into {} (apply concat (M #(M (fn [x y] [[x %] y]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + %1 %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) "\u2654"))))
        x (a (fn [x y] (first (remove #{" "} (map b (next 
            (I #(p x %) y)))))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        r #(take 4 (I (fn [[x y]] [(- y) x]) %&))
        R (x (r 0 1))
        B (x (r 1 1))
        m {"\u265d" B "\u265c" R "\u265b" (some-fn B R)
           "\u265e" (d (into (r 1 2) (r 2 1)))
           "\u265f" (d [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (Z (some Z (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))

Change representation, again

(defn is-check [b]
  (let [M map-indexed Z boolean I iterate
        b (into {} (apply concat (M #(M (fn [x y]
                         [[x %] (mod (int (first y)) 14)]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + %1 %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) 12))))
        x (a (fn [x y] (first (remove #{4} (map b (next 
            (I #(p x %) y)))))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        r #(take 4 (I (fn [[x y]] [(- y) x]) %&))
        R (x (r 0 1))
        B (x (r 1 1))
        m {7 B 6 R 5 (some-fn B R)
           8 (d (into (r 1 2) (r 2 1)))
           9 (d [[1 1] [-1 1]])}]
    (Z (some Z (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))

Cutting characters with a scalpel

(defn is-check [b]
  (let [M map-indexed Z boolean I iterate
        b (into {} (apply concat (M #(M (fn [x y]
                         [[x %] (mod (int (first y)) 14)]) %2) b)))
        p #(map + % %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) 12))))
        x (a (fn [x y] (first (remove #{4} (map b (next 
            (I #(p x %) y)))))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        r #(take 4 (I (fn [[x y]] [(- y) x]) %&))
        R (x (r 0 1))
        B (x (r 1 1))
        m {6 R 5 (some-fn B R)
           8 (d (into (r 1 2) (r 2 1)))
           9 (d [[1 1] [-1 1]]) 7 B}]
    (Z (some Z (for [[a f] b] ((m f not) a))))))

Moar refactoring

(defn is-check [b]
  (let [q (range 8)
        b (zipmap (for [x q y q] [y x])
                  (for [[x] (flatten b)]
                    (mod (int x) 14)))
        p #(map + % %2)
        a (fn [g] (fn [P] (fn [f] ((set (map #(g % f) P)) 12))))
        x (a (fn [x y]
               (loop [a (p x y)]
                 (if (= (b a) 4) (recur (p x a)) (b a)))))
        d (a (comp b p))
        r #(partition 2 1 [% %2 (- %) (- %2) %])
        v (r -1 1)
        R (x (r 0 1))]
    (not-every? not
                (for [[a f] b]
                  (({5 (some-fn (x v) R), 8 (d (into (r 1 2) (r 2 1))),
                     9 (d (take 2 v)), 7 (x v), 6 R} f not)

Coup de grace

2 ASCII characters -> 1 UTF-16 code unit

(defn compress [s]
  (->> s
       (partition-all 2)
       (map (fn [[a b]] (+ (* 128 a) b)))
       (map #(Character/toString %))
       (apply str)))

     (mapcat #((juxt / mod) (int %) 128))

(ns a)(->>"ᑤ㋦㜠㓳ᛣ㑥㇫ⷢ⺨㙥㩛㢨㥡㝧㊠ᰩㄨ㵩㡭ヰᑦ㟲ⷸၱၹၱ⻛㲠㱝ᒨ㍯㥛ⷸ⺨㍬ヴ㩥㜠ㄩ⺨㛯㈨㓮㨠㰩ᢴᒩᓰဣᑭヰါဥဥᤩエ㍮ⷧ⺨㍮ⷐ⺨㍮ⷦ⺨ᑳ㋴ᑭヰဣᑧဥၦᓐᒩᢲᒩᒩ㰨エ㍮ⷸၹ⺨㙯㟰ⷡᑰၸၹᓝᑩ㌨Ẩㄠォᨩᑲ㋣㫲ᑰၸၡᒩᑢၡᒩᒩᓤᑡᑣ㟭㠠ㄠ㠩ᓲဣᑰヲ㩩㩩㟮ဲေⶥဥᤨᚠኩᐭဥᤩዝᓶᑲိᢠᢩ⤨㰨㤠ᠠᢩᓝᑮ㟴ᛥ㭥㥹ᾠ㝯㨨㍯㥛ⷡၦ⻢⺨ᑻ᪨㧯㛥ᛦ㜨㰠㬩⤩ᰨ㈨㓮㩯ᑲေဲᒨ㤠ᤠᢩᒩᲨ㈨㩡㗥ဲၶᒩᮨ㰠㬩ᬠ⥽㌠㝯㨩ォᒩᒩ"(mapcat #((juxt / mod)(int %)128))byte-array String. read-string eval)

Another algorithm...

(ns a)(defn is-check[b](let[r(range 8)z #(first(get-in b %))](=\♔(some #{\♔}(for[i r j r[p u]{\♟[[1 -1]]\♝[[1 -1]]\♜[[0 -1]]\♛[[0 1]]}s u :when(#{p}(z[i j]))](z(first(drop-while #(if(#{\♝\♜\♛}p)(=\space(z %)))(next(iterate(partial map + s)[i j]))))))))))

Thank you!

Daniel Janus